The Quaich, Scotland's cup of friendship, has been used throughout the centuries to offer a welcoming drink at Clan Gatherings, family occasions and between friends and visitors. "Quaich" is a Scots rendering of the Gaelic word "cuach", meaning cup. The two-handed design of this drinking vessel incorporates trust on the part of both giver and receiver.
Explore our magnificent collection of traditional Quaichs online at The Sgian Dubh Company. We stock beautifully designed pewter and chrome plated Quaichs, making the ideal commemorative piece or trophy. If you're looking for something a little bit different but with a 'wee' bit of Scottish heritage, these Celtic pewter and chrome plated Quaichs make the perfect gift.
Available to buy in sizes of 1.25”, 1.75”, 2”, 2.5”, 3”, 4” and 5”, fill your Quaich with your preferred choice of whisky. Shop online at The Sgian Dubh Company and buy from our exquisite collection of handmade Quaichs and all other traditional Scottish accessories.
2.5" Celtic Wooden Quaich
3" Antler Pewter Quaich
3" Celtic Chrome Quaich With Stone
3" Plain Pewter Quaich
5" Celtic Pewter Quaich
5" Celtic Pewter Quaich
5" Plain Pewter Quaich
5" Celtic Band Chrome Plated Quaich
4" Celtic Knot Pewter Quaich
4" Thistle Pewter Quaich
4" Celtic Weave Pewter Quaich
4" Plain Pewter Quaich
4" Celtic Band Chrome Plated Quaich
3" Auld Lang Syne Pewter Quaich
3" Thistle Pewter Quaich
3" Celtic Pewter Quaich With Stone
3" Thistle Pewter Quaich
3" Celtic Pewter Quaich
3" Celtic Cross Pewter Quaich
2.5" Wee Dram Pewter Quaich
2.5" Celtic Pewter Quaich
2.5" Plain Pewter Quaich
2.5" Plain Pewter Quaich
2.5" Celtic Chrome Plated Quaich